Sibling Rivalry
Angela Oswalt Morelli , MSW, edited by Mark Dombeck, Ph.D.All children want periods of undivided love and attention. No matter how much kids love their brothers and sisters, inevitably there will be periods of conflict and competition among siblings for parent's attention. Though such competition cannot be eliminated entirely, there are methods that parents can use to minimize or reduce sibling rivalry.
Distribute resources and restrictions equally
One method of reducing sibling conflict is for parents to take great care to spread their attention evenly across children such that no single child ends up with an "unfair" share. For practical and emotional reasons, this can be a difficult goal to accomplish. Each child has a unique needs and a unique personality. One child may have been born with an easier, less demanding temperament than another, or one child may have a medical issue that requires more care than other children. When these types of situations are the case, the less easy, more needy children naturally gain the lion's share of parents' attention. As well, parents are not perfect. Though they'd never admit it, they may in fact have favorite children. There is no exact way to spread parents' time and resources equally among all children in the family. However, parents should try their absolute best not to express blatant preferences, and to balance out built-in imbalances (such as might be caused by one child's medical issues) by providing extra attention for less needy children.
In a similar vein, parents should do what they can to not spend noticeably more time with a specific child, or provide them with substantially more resources or gifts compared with other children.
Any house rules and expectations that exist should be applied equally to all children, adjusting for children's different ages and competencies. It may be the case that Jane gets to stay outside later than Paul, but this can be justified if Jane is older and more mature than Paul. When Paul gets to be Jane's current age, he too can stay out later.
In addition, caregivers should be careful to not compare one child to another in a way that makes one appear "better" than another. For example, it is fine for Mom to say stuff like, "Jimmy, I'm so proud of your ability to hit a home run! I'm also proud of your sister Jill's ability to swim so fast!" It is not such a good idea for Mom to say "Jimmy! Why can't you be more like your sister and turn all your homework in on time?" Though it is likely not actually true that Jimmy's parents love his sister more than him, the latter statement sets Jimmy up to believe that his parents love is conditional on his performance. Upon hearing such a statement, he may easily and mistakenly conclude that he must measure up to his sister's level of academic performance before he can have his parent's approval and love. Though Jimmy's academics might (or might not) improve as a result of his developing a fear of his parents abandoning him, his mental health will likely suffer.
Questions about Sex Continued
Encourage Children to Support One Another by Diverting Direct Competition
Middle Childhood Introduction
- Middle Childhood Parenting Introduction
Child Feeding and Nutrition
- Feeding and Nutrition
- Components of Healthy Meals
- Additional Components of a Healthy Meal
- The Importance of Water
Child Sleeping
- Sleep
- Managing Children's Insomnia
Child Hygiene and Appearance
- Hygiene
- Health-Promoting Hygiene Habits
- Hand-washing
- Appearance-Enhancing Hygiene Habits
- Hair Care and Clean Clothing
- Puberty-Related Hygiene Concerns: Body Odor, Acne and Menstruation
- Appearance
- Children's Hairstyles
Child Health and Medical Issues
- Exercise
- Preventative Health Care
- Preventative Dental and Vision Care
- Sun Safety
- Common Childhood Illnesses
- Colds, Sore Throats and Ear Infections
- Stomachaches, Diarrhea and Vomiting
- Fever
- Bug Bites and Stings
- Poison Ivy and Oak, Eczema and Pink Eye
- Childhood Diabetes
- Obesity and Malnutrition
- Headaches and Migraines
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Vision Problems
Child Safety
- Safety
- Automobiles, Walking and Biking Safety
- Stranger Danger
- Latch-Key Children Home-Alone
- Outdoor Safety
- Pet Safety
- Firearm (Gun) Safety
Child Education
- Education and Schools
- Engaging with Teachers, the School, Other Parents and the Educational Process
- Helping Children Get Their Homework Done
- Handling School-Related Discipline Incidents
- Planning in Advance for School Closings and Sick Days
Child Discipline and Guidance
- Discipline and Guidance
- Choices and Consequence
- Use of Rewards and Punishments to Motivate Children's Behavior
- "Grounding" Children and Sticker Charts
- Chores
- Nurturing Children
- Children's Need for Privacy
Dealing with Difficult Childhood Issues
- Dealing with Life's Tough Topics
- Learning the Truth about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, etc.
- Death
- Divorce and Remarriage
- Remarriage, Step-Parenting, Blended Families
- Moving to a New House
- Fitting In and Peer Pressure
- Teaching Children Social Skills
- Social Skills Continued
- Cigarettes, Alcohol, and Drugs
- Romantic Crushes and Questions about Sex
- Questions about Sex Continued
- Sibling Rivalry
- Encourage Children to Support One Another by Diverting Direct Competition
- Handling Manipulative or Aggressive Children
- Bullying and Peer Abuse
- Bullying and Peer Abuse Continued
- Prejudice
Middle Childhood Conclusion
- Middle Childhood Parenting Conclusion
Middle Childhood Introduction
Questions and Answers
- Should My 9 Year Old Daughter Be Evaluated?
- My 9 Year Old Wants To Be An Only Child
- Ten Year Old's Severe Emotional and Behavioral Problems
- Child With Possible Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
Book & Media Reviews
- Great Answers to Difficult Questions About Sex
- Parenting a Child Who Has Intense Emotions
- What are you staring at?
- [18] Videos
- Boys & HPV Vaccine
- Limiting Kids Screen Time
- Child Development: Stepping Stones - Lesson 19: The School Years: Summary
- Child Development: Stepping Stones - Lesson 16: The School Years: Biosocial Development
- Child Development: Stepping Stones - Lesson 17: The School Years: Cognitive Development
- Nightmare vs. Night Terror
- 3 Tips on Swim Safety
- Big Kids Need a Boost
- Children and Social Media: What Every Parent Should Know
- Pack Car Seat for Summer Travel
- 8 more
Related Topic Centers
- Child & Adolescent Development: Overview
- Childhood Mental Disorders and Illnesses
- Internet Addiction and Media Issues
- Parenting
- Self Esteem
- Child Development & Parenting: Infants (0-2)
- Child Development & Parenting: Early (3-7)
- Child Development Theory: Middle Childhood (8-11)
- Childhood Special Education
- Child & Adolescent Development: Puberty
Aging & Elder Care
Assessments & Interventions
Career & Workplace
Emotional Well-Being
Life Issues
Parenting & Child Care
ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Child & Adolescent Development: Overview
Child & Adolescent Development: Puberty
Child Development & Parenting: Early (3-7)
Child Development & Parenting: Infants (0-2)
Child Development & Parenting: Middle (8-11)
Child Development & Parenting:Adolescence (12-24)
Child Development Theory: Adolescence (12-24)
Child Development Theory: Middle Childhood (8-11)
Childhood Mental Disorders and Illnesses
Childhood Special Education
Family & Relationship Issues
Intellectual Disabilities
Learning Disorders
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Self Esteem
Psychological Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Bipolar Disorder
Conversion Disorders
Depression: Depression & Related Conditions
Dissociative Disorders
Domestic Violence and Rape
Eating Disorders
Impulse Control Disorders
Intellectual Disabilities
Mental Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders
Personality Disorders
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Sexual Disorders
Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
Tourettes and other Tic Disorders