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Child and Adolescent Development Overview: Adolescence

Angela Oswalt, MSW

image by Mike Baird (lic)Our Child and Adolescent material is divided into several topic centers to make it easy for parents and caregivers to focus on the areas in which they are especially interested in. Our current collection includes:

Infants: Parenting and Child Development

Infant Development: How Your Baby Grows and Matures

Infant Parenting: Keeping Your Baby Healthy and Happy

Infant Safety: Keeping Your Baby Safe

Infant Enrichment: Stimulating Your Baby

Early Childhood: Parenting and Child Development

Development During Early Childhood, Toddler, and Preschool Stages

Parenting Your Todder, Preschooler, and Young Child

Toilet Training

Disciplining Your Toddler, Preschooler, and Young Child

Nurturing Your Toddler, Preschooler, and Young Child

Middle Childhood: Parenting and Child Development

Child Development Theory: Middle Childhood

Child Development and Parenting: Middle Childhood

Child & Adolescent Development: Puberty

Childhood Special Education

Children and Media Issues

Nurturing Children's Self-Esteem

Adolescence: Parenting and Child Development

Child Development Theory: Adolescence

Child Development and Parenting: Adolescence

Child Mental Disorders and Illnesses

Disorders of Childhoood

Parenting Topic Center

Adventures in Parenting (an overview of all stages by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development)

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