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How Do You Get Addicted to Drugs?

A. Tom Horvath, Ph.D., ABPP, Kaushik Misra, Ph.D., Amy K. Epner, Ph.D., and Galen Morgan Cooper, Ph.D. , edited by C. E. Zupanick, Psy.D.

In this series on drug addiction, we have described it as a specific type of addiction. In the following sections, we answer the question, "How do you get addicted to drugs?" There are biological, psychological, socio-cultural, and spiritual reasons that people can become addicted to drugs. Our goal is to help you, the reader, appreciate the complexity of addiction. Like most complex problems, there is a broad range of possible solutions. Our position is that complex problems, like addiction, do not benefit from single, simplistic solutions. People benefit from having a range of possible solutions to their addiction problems. So let's begin. "How DO people get addicted to drugs?" Understanding how we get addicted will ultimately lead us to the more important question, "How can we recover from drug addiction?"


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